Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Differentiating Between Market Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Differentiating Between Market Structure - Essay Example Beachbody operates under a perfect competitive market whereby a number of a companies has been in the industry to provide this highly demanded product by the consumers. In this field, a number of firms are in operation to provide this demanded products by the customers. Similarly, many customers are lining up to get the best services from these firms in terms of their needs. When running such a business, the decision must be made to ensure the success of the business and maximization of the profits. Understanding the market structures and some of the fundamental economic principle that are in operational in such a market helps Beachbody to make informed decisions that have profound potential to impact all the processes of the business from sales to consumer retention. In reality, a perfectly competitive market rarely exists. In essence, the concept associated with perfect competition is used to provide a benchmark for analyzing this market structures. A firm is operating in a perfectly competitive market conducts business in a market with many buyers and sellers. The products in the market are almost identical with just a few differentiation and have very few barriers to market entry if any. The firms in such a market face an entirely horizontal demand curve. This translate to the fact that the firms act as the prices takers in the market. As long as any firm is in operation it can sell as much or as little as it wishes. However, the management must understand that setting up the prices above the market price will lose the customers to the competitors. The customer would purchase the exact product from another firm hence negatively impacting on the sales of the company. On this note, Beach body, having a number of competitors in the market such as Jenny Craig, Inc., Weight Watchers International, Inc. and Nutrisystem, Inc. need to set up the prices in a way that

Monday, February 3, 2020

Theology paper1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Theology paper1 - Essay Example It is Jehovah versus the gods of Egypt (Sperling 66). The ten Plagues - Jehovah vs. gods of the Egyptians and the 10 Plagues - Jehovah versus the Gods of Egypt (Sperling 66). For the first plague, there was the khnum who was the guardian of the rivers source hap that was the spirit of the Nile and Osiris of which the Nile was his bloodstream. On the second plague, there was the frog where hapi was the frog goddess to Egypt and heqt and both were related to fertility. In the case of the lice seb, the earth goddess of Egypt was being tested. Then next was the flies on all the people of Egypt and the Egyptians still had a god named the uatchit. Ptah mnevis were the Egyptian gods associated with bulls and cows, and so were heather and Amon. Next was the boils where from now on the Israelites were not affected at all by the next epidemic. The boils have been associated with the Sekhmet the Egyptian goddess of epidemics serapes and imhoteb who were considered the Egyptian gods of healing The next plague of the locusts was associated with serapia which was the Egyptian deity protector from locusts. Following was the plague of darkness and these was associated to re, Amon re,Aten, atum Horus and Thoth who were the Egyptian sun gods (Glazerson). The next exegetical by zony zevit is they were natural disasters and a demonstration of impotence among the Egyptian gods or an undoing of creation. When the Israelites wanted to leave Egypt the pharaoh who ruled at the time refused to release them until the last plague. It is considered that some of the plagues were a natural event and could be explained logically for instance hailstorms and locusts according to another explanation it could be explained using atmospheric and climatic conditions in Egypt. A hailstorm that is the second plague came out of nowhere and although it is not common, t occurs nonetheless. In the construction, the locusts, a more common occurrence and darkness, which can be said to