Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Effects Of Poverty On The United States Essay - 1436 Words

World poverty is a complex global issue that varies depending on where you live. Many Americans in recent years acquiring the needs for shelter, food, and clothing is becoming more difficult to obtain the necessities of survival. Unless there is a cultural and behavioral change in our society regarding world poverty, poverty rates will continue to rise. Poverty is affecting thousands of people in the United States; this impact is changing the quality of life for families. These effects on families can be described in four dimensions. First, defining poverty and understanding the poverty rates. Secondly, opportunities are limited (inequality) for wealth, income, and education, creating poverty. Thirdly, evaluate the causes of poverty through one theoretical perspective. Finally, providing ideas for solutions and ways on changing political policies to reduce or end poverty in the United States. Poverty is defined as a position of having little or no money, goods, or means of support, a condition of being poor (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2015, from http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Poverty-Sociology. Poverty has several categories, relative poverty that refers to lacking resources for some people having in association to those without. Absolute poverty is a state that lack of resources that are life threatening Macionis, J. J. (2012). Today it is estimated that 95 million Americans live near federal poverty levels. Out of that number 46.2 million are children, menShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Poverty On The United States1541 Words   |  7 Pages12/07/2015 Professor Sirkin The Effects of Poverty on Education For those who live in the United States, some do not see the correlation between poverty and its effects on people’s behavior to their academics. 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